6 Bed Social HMO Semi For Sale

6 Bed Social HMO Semi For Sale

6 Bed Social HMO Semi For Sale. Near the Beach in Thornton Cleveley. 7 plus 3 year Govt backed lease with no voids, no management and all maintenance covered unless structural. Price £260,000 Net Rents £23,400 Net Return 9.00% Freehold I have 9 more Social Housing...
Floor plan of this 4 bed Social HMO & property for sale

Floor plan of this 4 bed Social HMO & property for sale

This is the floor plan of this 4 bed Social HMO that is on a 7 plus 3 year govt backed contract with no voids, no management and all maintenance covered unless structural. Shaddongate Carlisle CA2 5UG Price  £173,333 Net Rents £15,600 Net Yield 9.00% Freehold I have 9...
Good Morning Everyone in the UK who is in Property.

Good Morning Everyone in the UK who is in Property.

Good Morning Everyone in the UK who is in Property. My team is currently refurbishing 5 properties to turn them into Social Housing projects of 24 beds that will have zero voids, no management and all maintenance covered. Net rents of £85,000. This is a property...
Looking for Sourcers to Sell Social HMOs

Looking for Sourcers to Sell Social HMOs

Looking for Sourcers especially in Hong Kong who can sell our Social HMO projects. We are direct. You can add on, charge a sourcing fee or a combination of both. We have special prices for sourcers. This is an example of a 6 BED Social HMO I have for sale. UK Property...

Unexpected Costs at times during refurbishment

Many times during refurbishment we discover we need to do more works than expected in our preparation of Social Housing. This property is just one example in which we needed to do extensive works in the basement. However we will not overly exceed our budget too much....