by Ruti Avraham | Sep 30, 2015 | HMO
Salford Refurbishment HMO Project Progress This project located in Salford will be a 4 bed HMO that will be rented out after inspections for 11,400 Net. There will be no voids…no management….maintenance is covered up to 5,000 per year. In this project we...
by Ruti Avraham | Sep 29, 2015 | HMO
Progress on HMO Conversion Project Wigan We have been working on this property almost 2 weeks. Assuming we should be finished and having it cash flowing in the very near future. This property will generate 10,400 Net per year. This 4 Bed HMO will be leased for 5 years...
by Ruti Avraham | Sep 29, 2015 | HMO
The Real Cost of Voids In HMO Properties So many investors…both new and old do not fully grasp the real cost of voids. The cost of voids eats into your profits and in some cases makes the property a negative cash flow machine. Do not be deluded by...
by Ruti Avraham | Sep 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
HMO Conversion Project Pre Refurbishment We just conveyed on this property and our builders started work on the same day. Quality and speed are paramount issues. We hope to be finished with this 4 Bed HMO project in 3 weeks. It will cash flow net 11,400. This...
by Ruti Avraham | Sep 23, 2015 | Uncategorized
Creating Profits by Creating Rooms in HMOs We create additional profits for ourselves and our investors who purchase our HMOs by converting reception rooms into rooms. You can see in these pictures how the room is studded. Every room generates depending on...
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