We have 7 Social HMOs going on at the moment

We have 7 Social HMOs going on at the moment

We have 7 Social HMOs going on at the moment. Some that we purchased were in the most dilapidated state. This did not deter us as we bring these properties back to the brick. This particular property started 6 weeks ago and is on schedule to be completed in the next...
Signoff on 5 BED Social HMO Manchester

Signoff on 5 BED Social HMO Manchester

Trying to get this 5 bed social housing hmo finished and ready for Friday inspections. We are aiming to have a council inspection, housing association inspection, building regs and the fire assessment all completed by Friday. Furniture and carpets are going in today....

3 Social HMOs being signed off

This week we are hopefully have 3 Social HMOs being signed off. We purchased one yesterday and hopefully another one on Friday. This particular social housing HMO will net us £19,500 with no voids, no management and all maintenance covered unless structural. However...