We work with our builders very closely with our professional HMOs. We go to our professional and social HMOs several times during the week to inspect progress. We are hoping this Professional HMO in Salford to be finished in the approx 2-3 weeks. Furniture will be ordered….final inspections of building works….then welcome to tenants. In another of our Professional HMOs we had a viewing with 4 doctors from NHS that hopefully want the whole house. They were actually fighting over the rooms…who gets which…Fingers crossed.

This professional HMO we have had inquiries from groups of girls that also want to live together. It is much easier to rent a whole Professional HMO than by the room. One of our JV colleagues recently did a corporate let of the entire professional HMO to one engineering company.

Below is progress of this Salford Professional HMO. Hopefully we should generate 23,000- to 25,000 on a yearly basis…