Renting HMO’s During the Pandemic of Covid

Renting Professional HMOs during the pandemic was beyond challenging. Can you imagine if just one of the tenants came down with Covid? How would you do viewings? What about the other tenants?

With a home being let out – room by room to multiple individuals, you have to consider that the tenants are considered one household, meaning if any of the tenants have symptoms or a positive test, then all residents must isolate as required by law, and notify you as a landlord or your agent that they are doing so.

Compare this to our social HMOs. They are fully managed with no voids, no Management and maintenance covered unless structural. Covid or no covid we are not involved. The leases we have are similar to triple net leases that all we do is collect rents with out council tax and any other normal costs other than insurance.

What would you prefer especially if you an offshore UK property investor…Drama or getting paid?