If you want your Professional HMO or Buy to Let to be successful and cash flowing ….Excuses do not breed success

Here are some tenant excuses you may hear along the way:

• Family member died or is in the hospital.

• Lost debit card or misplaced checkbook. Sometimes a friend had even borrowed their card. We told them they needed to go to their bank and do two things: withdraw their rent money and report their debit card as being lost or stolen.

• Change in paycheck schedule. A pay date change can alter the ability to pay on time.   But that isn’t an excuse for not paying your rent because an employer is required by law to provide advance notice of changing pay dates.

• Lost job. Always verify this claim with the employer. If the tenant won’t let you speak with their employer, then they either don’t have a job or they haven’t lost their job.

• Car trouble. Their vehicle broke down, so they used their rent money to pay the mechanic. Ask to see the receipt. If they can’t produce a paid invoice, then the story is probably a falsehood.