How Will COVID-19 Impact Property in 2021?

No one has a crystal ball…however we are in the property market every day looking. Countless hours on Rightmove. Every property investor knows there is not alot of stock in the property market currently. Alot of demand and not supply. Thus prices are going one way. People are afraid of inflation. Property is a hedge against inflation.

We believe areas that we invest in such as the NE and NW of England prices will continue to shift upwards.

Give you an example. We agreed to purchase a house to make a 4 bed HMO. We agreed at 85,000. The next day we recieved a phone call from the agent saying that they have a higher cash offer. Obviously the estate agent would not tell us how much but hinted in the 90k range. Wow 5k over asking. We put in a higher offer and we were awarded the property. It cuts down our margins dramatically but otherwise we just would not have anything.

This is the current covid property market. Will it change? We believe it will go higher. More and More London investors….more and more investors from Singapore and Hong Kong!