Our build team just finished another 4 bed social HMO backed on a 7 plus 3 year govt lease. No voids, no management and maintenance covered unless structural . We only sell some of these properties in order to buy more and keep for our retirement. The banks do not like the long 7 plus 3 year leases. We love them as we do not have to deal with the tenants and our counterparty is of the strongest calibre of financial strength. We have 7 projects going on at the moment. A lot of juggling with plumbers, joiners and even ordering white goods & carpets. It keeps us all busy. We are changing the lives of the tenants providing them a safe and secure environment as well as changing the lives of all of our builders.


If you would like more information email info@bhinvestment.co.uk or call Ruti 07376367032

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