£45,500 Profit on HMO Greater Manchester Stanley Street Property

Ourselves and our Joint Venture partners have numerous HMOs in various stages. Some are being refurbished. Some are at our solicitors. All are cash flowing while we have them for sale. Currently ourselves and our Joint Venture partners have 13 HMO properties in various stages.

This is the paramount issue while investing in property, CASH FLOW!

Ourselves and our Joint Venture partners keep some of the HMO property for ourselves as part of our personal portfolio as well as the rest are up for sale and cash flowing. This negates any urgency.

£45,500 Profit on HMO Greater Manchester Stanley Street Property Breakdowns

The following below is the case study of a property in Greater Manchester. I have included completion statements both on our purchase and sale. More so, all costs and rents generated, pictures before and after. We entered into a corporate let on this property. There were no voids, no management, and maintenance covered up to £5,000 per year. Myself and my JV colleagues made a total of £45,500 which was a 45% return in slightly less than one year.

Purchase- £73,605


Costs- Total Cost was £100,460 and myself and my JV partners had a monthly rent of £1137.5


Date Category Name Costs
10.31.2015 legal 250
11.16.2015 survey 200
11.19.2015 Solicitor 73605
11.24.2015 Builder 1550
11.26.2015 Architect 725.64
11.19.2015 insurance 238.65
11.27.2015 Builder 1000
12.5.2015 Builder 3700
12.10.2015 Planner 243.75
12.12.2015 Builder 2500
12.21.2015 Builder 2500
1.08.2016 Bld Regs 420
1.11.2016 Builder 3500
1.18.2016 Builder 3500
1.25.2016 Builder 2000
2.11.2016 Brit gas 2.93
2.17.2016 Estatte agent listing  180
4.19.2016 council tax 188.99
6.16.2016 insurance 183.6
8.11.2016 gumtree  -9.99
2.16.2016 Brit gas 181.53
2.8.2016 Builder 3800
 Total Cost £100460.1
3.23.2016 Rent 980.6
4.25.2016 Rent 1137.5
5.25.2016 Rent 1137.5
6.17.2016 Rent 1137.5
6.17.2016 Rent 1137.5
7.17.2016 Rent 1137.5
8.11.2017 Rent 1137.5
9.11.2016 Rent 1137.5
10.15.2016 Rent 1137.5
11.11.2016 Rent 1137.5
12.16.2016 Rent 1137.5
Rent collected £12355.6

pre3fab5 prefab prefab2 prefab4

Sale Conveyance –£133,605


After Pictures

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We have done close to 35 deals like these; both professional HMOs and Corporate lets. If you would like to learn more you can contact us. We are fully transparent and look forward sharing and helping.