Everything is Marketing in Property

Marketing is the key for a property investor….. it is entirely essential!

Finding the right motivated sellers, serious buyers, tenants with satisfactory credit, and of course access to money is a matter of marketing effectively. People have to trust you. People might even have to like you.

How do you accomplish the above mentioned property marketing issues?

You Need a Great Website

A professional website presence makes a world of difference. You attract potential seller, buyers, renters, and money like white on rice. Your target prospect would much rather work with a reputable company that has a strong image than what seems to be a fly-by-night operation. That’s why you need a strong web presence that gives you instant credibility. In all honesty…my first website was terrible. People told it was terrible. Then I had a young lad in the Philippines make our site now…https://bhinvestment.co.uk/

Honestly what a difference….Every day emails and phone calls. Alot to keep up with…and alot of time wasters as well. Where most property investors fail is not moving these leads through a proven marketing funnel that “sells” their prospects before they even have the initial contact. So they’re left having to call all the “suspect leads,” trying to catch the diamond in the rough. This takes time, energy, and patience. This is where many would-be investors give up.

The next big property marketing fact is simply following up!

Follow Up

Follow up is key to business and the lynchpin to all good marketing. A simple marketing tactic you can do is start making business cards and attending events where you can hand out these business cards. There are usually investor clubs or even real estate conventions in major cities. I go to the PIN meetings. I give out cards. I look for property investors for our Professional HMOs and Social HMOs to sell to. I look for potential investors who might be interested in a JV partnership.  This is a perfect way to get your name out there and let people know that you are around.

But most importantly, as you network, capture the names and contact information of the people you meet. And above all else, follow up.

I love the English saying…Leave it with me….and in too many times it is just left.