Thursdays are property inspection days for our colleague. This property is a 4 bed social HMO coming along nicely in Carlisle. Carlisle is a little gem area. There is a University with thousands of students, business and industry. Best for us, property prices make sense and we can do Social HMOs there. We believe there will be price appreciation. We saw price appreciation in Salford. Properties went from 60k -70k to 140k. We did many social HMOs there and could not sell them. Finally we had an investor from Saudi Arabia who bought ten of them. The prices jumped to 130-150k plus he collected over 12k a year in rents. This is what we feel can happen in Carlisle once investors wake up to the quality of the area and the returns. In the short term we are now doing 4 properties with 3 more at the solicitors.


For more information on Social Housing

please contact me 07376367032

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