There are always issues with Professional HMOs. One of these that comes with owning a professional HMO is when the tenant moves out. At this time, it’s your responsibility to check the room, order maintenance, and clean everything for the next tenant. Sometimes, this process is a piece of cake Other times, you’re left with a lot of work & mess.

A high standard…( en suite Professional HMO) comes with higher rent prices, so it’s very important to actually get things clean after a tenant moves out. What’s more, cleaning the property thoroughly between tenants adds longevity to each room.

Even though we have a check out list for our tenants in our Professional HMOs, not all adhere to it. When your tenants follow your checklist to the letter, your final walk through will be a walk in the park.

Be aware to replace damaged furniture or not a fresh looking mattress. It might sound obvious but the only way you will get high room rents in your Professional HMO is to have a high standard.

Now for my secret sauce secret. Magic Erasers work miracles. When your tenant doesn’t clean something to your standards, a Magic Eraser can shine things up in no time. We used them in the USA…and find them on Amazon.

Obviously a lick of paint does not hurt. Make sure the carpets look fresh and clean. We always go that lovely grey carpet in our HMOs. Plus we put down extra padding to give a luxury feel.

Don’t forget to clean the blinds in the room of your Professional HMO. Nothing more disgusting the a pile of dust built up in the blinds. This brings up….check and clean in all of these hidden places in the property.