Our builders are finishing up hopefully in the next 1 week to 2 weeks a Warrington Professional HMO Next to a Major Hospital. Location is always paramount. We just finished one Professional HMO in Salford and within 1 day rented one of the rooms. It is a 4 bed en suite. We have some viewings this weekend. We increased viewings by putting on a youtube video. We now will be started another Professional HMO in Eccles which is in Salford. It will be a 4 bed en suite. We are hoping to rent in the 120 per week range. This translates into approx 25,000 gross rental yield. Yes there are many bills….roughly 25% of gross…however much more profitable than single lets…..( but more management to say to be fair)

We have learnt that Professional HMOs maximize profit versus buy to lets.

This professional HMO is a 5 bed and it is assumed it will attract staff from the local hospital.