Why Not Use Builders Who Say They Can Do Social HMOs

Hey Ruti,

Hope you are well.

This is a random one for you. We both do the same thing with Social Housing HMOs, and I’m originally a Mancunian, but now live in London.

I believe we have had experience of using the same contractor (XXXXX), the long and short is, he hasn’t finished a project we are currently doing and has gone MIA, giving all the excuses under the sun as to why this is the case. Stupidly we have paid him pretty much for 80% of the job as up until recently it was progressing nicely. We have now found he hasn’t paid any of his subcontractors and still has about £15k of work to do left on our job, which has been paid up. We are obviously very angry.

I was just wondering if you have had a similar experience? I am evidence gathering currently.

Hope you are having a nice week.