Why So Many People Lose Their Underwear in Real Estate

Let me count the ways….too many …too mention. One quick one however is…..

Does this sound familiar…Quit your corporate job…or day job…Come to my course for a small fee of £20,000, we can teach you everything you need to know about how to flip homes, quit your job, and find financial freedom in three months!

There goes £20,000 that could have been used for a deposit on a buy to let!

I am sure some courses and material are worth it…but some of the advertisements I have seen are outrageous. What is worse is that people order courses and do not even open them and read them.

Real estate is a marathon. It is not easy. No matter how much experience, issues will come up. In every house and HMO we do, we allow for at least 10% for surprises.

I strongly suggest investing your personal free time in reading the countless valuable real world experiences of posts in Facebook and property tribes. There are countless hours of Youtube videos. Virtually every city in the UK has real estate meetups. You can meet people. You can ask questions. You can hear speakers.

You need to invest your time and energy. Your money is the key to deposits. Be very careful with it…

My two pence