Prepare for the eventual Bear Market – Yet have a plan for your property portfolio. The reality however is…

When stocks and real estate is priced high by historical standards, it could continue rising for years to come. No one has a crystal ball what will be. There will be a  “next” stock market crash, who’s to say that the bottom in the property market even if it will be effected that it will be lower than today’s prices? The reality again…is lost current income. We have had so many investors who sit on the sidelines…vacillates …can not make a decision and we are generating 996 GBP per month property net.

So called Expert market analysts, whose entire educations and careers have been spent in this field, can’t predict how the market will move. Some real love here: If they can’t predict market movements, you definitely can’t.

Professional HMOs are on the most profitable property investments in the UK property market. Yet there are those who waited for Brexit…those who think that they can do a Professional HMO themselves in order to save money….There are those who are afraid of a property crash…

All of these are ridiculous and a reason people do not make money in property. If you are concerned about the economy…stock market…property prices…etc….then as a property investor make some defensive moves, such as paying down debt or stockpiling some cash. This will enable you to participate in the property market….collect rents….yet be defensive…
